Nonprofit Commons: where the brainy people scare off the flirts

I went to the weekly meeting at the Nonprofit Commons. They had several presenters. One discussed an immersion journalism project. In addition to writing about what it was like at Guantanamo Bay, they created an experience, so people could feel what it was like being there with their senses, rather than being limited to reading the story.

I was carrying my sign again. And nobody had a problem with it. It must have been OK with their theme. It’s sort of a protest against the US government sign, so I don’t think most people in Second Life would mind, but apparently it doesn’t go with some people’s ‘theme.’ I think it’s ridiculous that people get militant over their themes in this game.

A few of the organizers of the Nonprofit Commons added me to their friend list. I’m glad to have some people in my list who are working on really interesting social projects, not just building and scripting projects.

During the meeting, I cleaned out some of my groups. I was still in the Arcus Was Here group. Since he’s not around anymore, I don’t need to belong to it anymore. I checked to see who else was in the group. Juliet was online, so I sent her a message.

She was a member of Learn Avatar in May. She always stopped by to visit Arcus and Parx, sitting around and flirting on voice chat. She had friended me at some point, but I hadn’t seen her for awhile and she was no longer in my friend list.

I sent her a message asking if she was still building. She wanted me to stop by her new house and to talk by voice.

I came over during a slow part of the meeting. I said I had to go back to the meeting for a moment. She wanted to come, so I teleported her there. She was disappointed that nobody was talking by voice. Then she disappeared and logged off.

I went country dancing again, still with the sign. Nobody seemed to mind it there either. I even won some Linden dollars from the sploder and from the voting contest. In fact, I went the whole day without anyone complaining about my sign.

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